RFP - Elementary and Secondary Education Act - No Child Left Behind (ESEA - NCLB)
Professional Services for Grant AdministrationGo to top
Scope: Qualified respondents for the administration of the elementary and secondary education - no child left behind (ESSA-NCLB) grant for FY16 to be paid through the allowed administration reserve based on the district's FY16 NCLB allocation.
The term of the contract for this proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: Donna Medea; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.
Digital Adaptive Web Based Instructional ProgramGo to top
- Instructional system that is digital and on-line
- Address both English Language Arts and Mathematics at grade levels K through 8
- Provide ongoing formative and summative assessments of student achievement
- Enables access by students instructional staff to the system anywhere in the county at any time of day or night
- Delivers targets instruction to students adapted directly by the results of individual formative and summative assessments
- Required no teacher intervention to assign work or tropics for instruction to students
- Provides data and charts depicting student achievement progress reflective of Common Core Standards mastery and expected annual growth percentages
- Accompanied by two half days of training on the system to staff at no additional charge
The term of the contract for this proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: Donna Medea; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.
Development and Analysis of Benchmark AssessmentsGo to top
- Development and/or revision of unit assessments in ELA and Math aligned to district's implementation of the state's model curriculum in Grades 1 to 8
- Place those assessments on-line for student administration
- Compile and prepare the assessment data for analysis
- Provide leadership, mentoring, and consultation in the analysis of student achievement results to administrators and teacher leaders as requested
- Assist or lead in the review meetings with teachers on the analysis, value, and reflective use of the data
- Provide large group professional development programs on the topic as requested
The term of the contract for this proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: ; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.
Increasing Rigor, Hots, and Classroom QuestioningGo to top
Provide a professional development program on elements of:
Rigor, Higher order thinking, and developing questions and questioning strategies, that ensure students are called upon to practice those skills
The term of the contract for this proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: Donna Medea; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.
Small, Flexible Group, Differentiated Instruction in Rotating Stations in the ClassroomGo to top
Conduct a series of in-class, co-teaching professional development for teachers in their classrooms to convert traditional whole group practice to small groups that are flexible to respond to emerging student achievement data using an RTI model delivered through:
- Job-embedded coaching
- Lesson study
- Real-time feedback
The structure to typically include
- An initial meeting to establish the vision and how it fits best for each teacher
- An awareness of teacher assessment data in ELA and math
- Four consecutive days, as meets the needs of the teachers, of co-teaching assistance in class to help model the change
- Periodic follow-up visits to class to provide further guidance and feedback as the teacher's practice evolves
- Provide larger group professional development programs on the topic as requested
The term of the contract for the proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: Donna Medea; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.
Extended Professional Development ServicesGo to top
Provide professional development programs as delineated below:
- In large group, small group, or individual sessions on topics as interest and value arise through the school year.
- Topics offered to be based upon school request, within presenter's expertise, and upon mutual agreement for timeframe.
- Programs may be offered on the following topics upon mutual agreement between the district and LIAof NJ:
- Professional Learning Communities
- Response to Intervention
- Vertical and Horizontal Curriculum Articulation
- Parent Workshops
- Fill other needs that arise as related to this effort and upon mutual agreement
The term of the contract for this proposal shall be from July 1 2015 through June 30, 2016. All activities for this contract will be coordinated through the office of the Education Director: Donna Medea; 732-448-1052 ext. 116.
All proposals are due by Friday, November 6, 2015.