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Consider a gift to GBCS today!

2024-2025 Thanksgiving Meals for GBCS Families
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Donors always make a difference in the lives of underserved students and their families working toward a brighter future.
Please consider helping  GBCS students and their families have a Thanksgiving Dinner this year.
A $40 donation will provide a Thanksgiving meal to a family of four. 
Dinner includes a rotisserie chicken, rice, corn, bread, and juice.
Please click the DONATE button below, and select Thanksgiving Meals for GBCS families.
Thank you for your support!

GBCS Resiliency Fund
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The Resiliency Fund is meant to help students and their families who are facing a temporary challenge in their lives. 
Your donation will help cover their basic needs and support them to get back to their normal life.
Thank you for your support!

Click the link below to make a donationGo to top