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NJ Parent Link
The State of New Jersey's 
Web-based Early Childhood, Parenting and Professional Resource Center

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Student and Family Toolkit for Immigration and Refugees:

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Taking a Child to the Emergency Room

An open letter about what the ER can (and can't) do for your child in a psychiatric emergency

BY: Julia Johnson Attaway

Llevar al niño a la sala de emergencias

Carta abierta de una madre sobre lo que la sala de emergencias puede (o no puede) hacer por su hijo en una emergencia psiquiátrica

Perform CareGo to top

PerformCare is a full-service behavioral health managed care company, supporting members in the public sector. We are committed to providing superior, innovative solutions in behavioral health, developmental and intellectual disabilities, human services, and integrated health programs.
For AssistancePlease contact us at:1-877-652-7624


Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care Acute Psychiatric ServicesGo to top

What is the Acute Psychiatric Services (APS)?
APS serves as the 24-hour psychiatric emergency service for the University Behavioral Health Care-Piscataway system.  for more information.
What services are provided by APS?
APS provides a 24-hour walk-in to serve individuals of all ages who require an emergency level of care. Some individuals who come to APS are currently in treatment at University Behavioral Health Care; others are not. Walk-in patients are seen briefly by a nurse, and then by a mental health clinician who conducts an assessment of a patient's condition and develops an appropriate intervention and disposition plan. APS operates a 3-bed crisis unit in which patients may be treated for up to 24 hours and provided with stabilizing care; a psychiatrist is available to the service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to on-site evaluation and treatment, certified screening staff of APS provides a 24-hour outreach service to communities throughout Middlesex County. During an outreach, a screener provides an assessment of an individual who may need referral for crisis treatment or possible hospital admission. Additionally, the unit provides a 24-hour telephone hotline service staffed by crisis counselors who are trained in both telephone assessment and crisis prevention.

Acute Psychiatric ServiceGo to top

(855) 515-5700
671 Hoes Lane West
Piscataway NJ

March 1, 2019Go to top

Dear Parents and Guardians:
A social media challenge called the "Momo Challenge" has resurfaced targeting children and young adults and has created concern throughout the country due to its disturbing nature.  The purpose of this letter is to make you aware of this challenge, provide you with information about it, and urge you to monitor your children's use of social media and the Internet.

  • "NJ Schools: Momo Challenge..." from Patch
The link below will teach you about "13 Online Challenges Your Kid Already Knows About." 
For discussion purposes, I am also providing you with for more information related to student online safety.  
  • Digital-Citizenship
This link will take you to an article about teen suicide for parents/guardians. 
This challenge is not new and has been around for a few years.  There is no need for hysteria but there is a need to discuss the importance of online safety with our students.  Feel free to reach out to our school social workers, Martha Goz (x108) and Ivonne Gallego (x172) if you have any questions. 
Vanessa Jones             

1 de Marzo de 2019.
Queridos Padres y Tutores:
Ha resurgido un reto en las redes sociales llamado "Momo Challenge". Este reto esta dirigido a niños y jovenes y ha creado preocupacion en el pais debido a su contenido perturbador. El proposito de esta carta es para ponerlo al tanto de este reto, darle informacion e invitarlo a que monitoree el uso del Internet y las redes sociales de sus hijos.
Lo invitamos a que use esta oportunidad para recordarle a sus hijos de cambiar de contraseñas frecuentemente en sus correos y redes sociales, a que bloqueen los numeros desconocidos, y a no accesar a sitios  de internet desconocidos.  
Estos sitios estan bloqueados en las computadoras de la escuela pero las personas pueden tener acceso a estos sitios si usan sus computadoras o telefonos con sus cuentas personales. Actualmente no tenemos casos confirmados del "Momo Challenge" en GBCS, pero creemos que es importante compartir esta informacion para crear conciencia y mantener a nuestros estudiantes seguros.
"NJ Schools: Momo Challenge..." from Patch
La liga o sitio de abajo, le explica 13 retos que su hijo(a) quiza ya conoce "13 Online Challenges Your Kid Already Knows About." 
Estos son sitios recomendados para que usted pueda iniciar una conversacion con sus hijos acerca de como mantenerse seguros en linea/Internet.
  • Digital-Citizenship
Esta liga para padres/tutores lo lleva a un articulo sobre suicidio en los adolescentes. 
Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con las trabajadoras sociales de la escuela, Martha Goz (x108) y Ivonne Gallego (x172).
Vanessa Jones                                          Directora de Educación